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Thinking of buying a new Tandem?

Before you buy a tandem, The Tandem Experience allows a full day session riding tandem including full training and advice, guaranteed to confirm whether it’s for you or not.

We pride ourselves on offering the very best Tandem Training in the UK for over 25 years, allowing both of you to experience Tandeming at its best, with fun guaranteed.

The Details

The Tandem Experience is from 10am with drop off at 4pm, giving you a whole 6 hours of test riding and training!

It costs £70 for both of you, including full training and advice.

Our Tandem Experience days are on weekdays, Tuesday to Friday, and some Saturdays by appointment.

We will discuss your requirements with you and the important things to consider when getting your own tandem. Progressing to the training session, we will teach you how to correctly mount, ride, and dismount a tandem. You can then try a range of our tandems on local routes and discover the various configurations that can be adapted to your style of riding.

The best part?

If you go on to buy a tandem from us in the future, the cost of the Tandem Experience is refunded to you.

To make sure you have the perfect day we book only one Tandem Experience per day. Unless you really wish to share it with friends, it’s a great way to book a day that is really different and dedicated to you.

Book Your Experience Below.

Fill in the below form to arrange your Tandem Experience. We will get in touch with you to arrange a convenient day for collection. 

Please Note: You will need to bring the following on the day of collection: A valid passport or your car keys (which will be deposited with us) along with and a proof of residence (e.g. a council tax bill).

Experiences are only available Tuesday – Friday, and some Saturdays by appointment.